Design your Life with Krisstina Wise

On this episode of the Plan Simple Meals Podcast, I’m so excited to talk with Krisstina Wise, whose money class really helped me. Krisstina helps millions of people each year discover the true path to wealth, health, and happiness. And since we are talking about balancing work, life, and food, she’s the perfect guest today.
So let’s start by talking about balance. For most of us it is elusive. Some say it doesn’t exist, and I know Krisstina didn’t always have balance in her life. She says that for her, balance looks like taking care of all the categories that add up to a good life to her. That means giving more attention to certain parts of her life at certain times. Our lives aren’t static and neither is balance.
That’s true for us as moms. Krisstina says that young children is just a stage of life. It make make you feel “out of balance,” but you can still design the young children stage to meet as many of your needs and wants as possible. And when it’s not small kids, you’re navigating around something else.
As we dig into the idea of balance, we talk about:
- Letting go of the idea that there is a “there” that’s ever good enough
- Creating a holistic life not one of linear silos
- How money and health are self-care practices
- Getting out of the to-do list mentality and into the lifestyle focus
- Starting the day with the hardest thing
- Focusing on yourself so that you can focus on others.
Doable Changes
BE PRESENT. Practice being present in small increments throughout your day. Instead of thinking about the next thing on your to do list, focus on and enjoy what you are doing, whether it is helping kids with homework or chatting with a friend or making dinner.
SKETCH OUT YOUR GOOD LIFE. If a balanced life is one where you are paying attention to all the parts that are important to you, what are the parts that need your attention? Which are getting attention right now? Which need more attention right now? What would give you joy? Start with awareness.
DO THE HARDEST THING FIRST. When we have something we know will be hard to do, we often put it late in the day—and then it gets pushed off and pushed off. Make a practice of putting your hard thing first in the day (after self-care). By getting it done, you let go of the energy tied up in waiting to do it—and you start the day feeling successful.
Krisstina Wise is a real estate mogul, Millionaire Coach, and creator of several multi-million dollar businesses including Goodlife Luxury, The Paperless Agent and most recently, WealthyWellthy. She is also an international speaker and the award-winning author of the Amazon Best-Seller Falling for Money, a romance novel for your bank account. Named one of the 100 Most Influential Real Estate Leaders in the country, she has been featured in USA TODAY, as well as by Apple, Contactually and Evernote for her creative leadership with emerging technologies.
After nearly losing her life in 2013 and spending almost half a million dollars to get it back, she is changing the world again by inspiring others to build extraordinary wealth and optimal health. By sharing her extreme successes and abysmal failures, Krisstina reveals the elusive secrets of the uber wealthy (and why health is where to invest first). Through cutting-edge, research-based education, access to the world’s top wealth strategists and doctors, Krisstina is helping millions each year discover the true path to wealth, health, and happiness. You can find Krisstina on her WealthyWellthy Life podcast, her free weekly Millionaire Masterclass, and here on her website at WealthyWellthy.Life.